I have recently ordered not 2, but 3 new books from Amazon! To be honest only because I got free shipping if I spent more than $25. So why not, right? My selections are:
1. Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It, By Gary Taubes
2. The All-New Atkins Advantage, By Stuart L. Trager
3. The Nine Rooms of Happiness, By Lucy Danzonger
This will be my weekend! I am going to dive in and read them ALL WEEKEND LONG! I am shutting my phone off and am making a date with myself!
I am super excited about the Why We Get Fat book, but after skimming The Nine Rooms of Happiness: Loving Yourself, Finding Your Purpose, and Getting Over Life's Little Imperfections, I think this will be very interesting. I am nowhere near a depressed person, but I always see the negatives in life and don't always appreciate the day for what it is!
I don't normally read, but I feel so inspired right now!
Let me know how The Nine Rooms of Happiness is, I think that sounds like a good read.