Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Show Me What You Got! (FXBS) - Day 1

Oh my wow, that a tough workout.  

We warmed up by doing jumping jacks some stretching.  Then got right into kickboxing moves.  Between the jabbing and crossing, I though my arms would fall off.  

I was partnered up with a "FIT" member on the bags, who is someone that has been through the program before and she was amazing!  About a half hour in and trying to keep up, I could feel myself start to want to quit and cry.  Seriously, I was on the verge of tears.  It was so hard for me to keep the pace with her, granted she says she has been doing this for a year.  How did I get this weak and pathetic?  

Once the workout was done, I was so relieved! My body was so glad to be done... and I was so sweaty and tired.  

I just hope it gets easier!

Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping... Am I Crazy?!

I have signed up for a 10 week challenge through Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping, which I will refer to as FXBS from now on. 

Basically this is a 6 days a week for 10 weeks high intenisty training in cardio kickboxing and and resistence band training alterrnating between the two every other day.  So M-W-F are kickboxing and T-TH-S are strength training.  

I am ready, but also a little nervous scared about committing to such a drastic work out regimen.